The law has failed the people.

The masses had taken to delivering justice themselves with their own hands- and a very well-placed knife. To cull chaotic justice and vigilantes, the government had passed a new law in place: The Kill Petition. 

Anyone is allowed to file a request, petitioning for someone's execution with attached files and evidence that would justify killing their target- Anything to convince others. If it reaches a certain threshold of signs at a specific time, the person in question will be eligible for execution. 

You are a prosecutor. Your job is to condemn those petitioned in a trial. It was a cakewalk, but some strings are pulled, and you’ve now found yourself dancing to someone else’s tune. 

Will you follow the will of the people, the will of those lurking behind the scenes, or will you stand for what you believe is right? 


In this game, you play as a prosecutor:

  • Customize personality, appearance, and moral boundaries. 
  • Customize background and motivations.
  • Investigate different cases that act as a story arc, with different choices and outcomes depending on how you handle the trial.
  • Interact with (And maybe romance) different characters, be it your co-worker, your rival, your neighborhood nosy troublemaker(s), or even your defendant.
  • Peel back the veneer and uncover just how filthy your country’s judicial system is.


1. You: A prosecutor that specializes in kill-petition cases. 

You were famous (or was it infamous?) for winning against charismatic criminals with a squeaky clean record ala Ted Bundy or influential and powerful people in power. Eyes are on you, and targets are on you.

2. Lucy 'Luddy' Deniz [She/her]: The Assistant Prosecutor 

She's been with you through thick and thin with a penchant for holding a vendetta against most people you (were forced) to work with. 

3. Hector Z. [He/they]:  The nosy reporter. 

He’s made it their life-long mission to cover every one of your ongoing cases- And to leak any juicy information they could get their grubby hands on.


1. Samudra 'Sam' Sagala [He/him]: Your rival lawyer 

He’s somehow fated to always go against you in court. So far, your record against him was a win at 13:11. You won't let it turn into a tie. And he’s finding any way possible to get that tie. 

2. Eva Friedmann [She/they]: The defendant. 

She's been acquitted 4 times already with very different charges. All four times with you as the prosecutor and Sam as her lawyer. 

3. Morgan Choi [He/him]: The nosy private detective 

He specialized in investigating affairs and compiling other people's dirt. God knows how he kept getting himself entangled in every one of your cases these past few months. 

4. Roxx De Leon [They/them]: A serial petitioner with a six-kill-streak. 

They’re not a paragon of virtue. They simply know the right person to pick, and the right things to say. Now: Is it time to put a stop to their streak, or are you going to quench their thirst for justice blood?

StatusIn development
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(21 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
TagsComedy, Dark Humor, Mystery, Romance

Development log


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This was fun! Can't wait to read more!


broooo. you lowkey got me scared there when the case started. seems interesting so far (especially the characters!) , i can't wait to meet the other love interests/romance options. excited for further updates! 


It has great potential, and the execution (no pun intended) has been good and very interesting so far! Can't wait to see more.


Woah cant believe this was made on twine both ur writing & coding skills are amazing


Thi is shitty, I wanted to win even when my client is wrong yet I can't


I doubt we can win consideeing the RO intro writes that we lost to the actress to acquittal 4 times. In the demo, just before the trial, the count was 3. Should be a canon event.

(1 edit)

That's true! Thank you for answering for me! It is... a cannon event where we lose once. 

LMAO YES! 1sab3llameow is right, we can't win this time because if you win... one of the ROs is going to die and she's a very plot-relevant character. 

For Case 0, there are only two different trial outcomes since this is an introductory case anyway.

For Case 1, I'm planning for different outcomes of varying degrees of winning + losing, so please play it when it's out! Take this one case where you lost as the 'MC comes back stronger and more ruthless than ever moment'.

Thank you for playing and having an interest in my game!

But why did the mc in the end said they didn't lose but also didn't win? Didn't the mc lose?

... Because the petitioned didn't get away unscathed? You probably got the property dispute ending! 

Also can you add more female RO

We'll see! I don't want to make big promises with large RO choices and end up not being able to deliver, there will only be four for now, plus two non-romanceable major character. 

Did you hate Eva or something? 😂😭 First you want her to get executed... 


No I don't hate her it's just usually the gender of ROs would be balance between man and woman


Really interesting concept, looking forward to more!


Colour me impressed! I'm excited for more!!


already obsessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Very good game and very interesting!


My gosh! I love it author. It seems interesting and love the phone and cases thing 😍.


Oh this is so gooooood! 😍